General Information

Incident Command During A Structural Collapse

A building collapse situation has the potential for serious harm to emergency personnel with extensive damage to equipment. Keeping your team safe is paramount and incident commanders should know where each firefighter is at all times. Incident command systems are important tools in securing your department’s first responders’ safety. Incident Command Systems First responders nationwide rely on American Trade Mark Company for safety and accountability tools like these Incident Command Systems. Safe Practices Minimize Potential For Damage NIOSH Advocates For Accountability ...
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5 Functions Of A Well Designed Incident Command

First Responders should have five functional areas set up within their Incident Command Systems (ICS) to work together to respond to emergencies. Department assets used in response to incidents are organized under Command, Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Admin/Finance. A good ICS will provide guidance to Firefighters, EMS, and Law Enforcement on organizing resources and ways to manage an emergency response across these five areas. Command Operations Logistics Planning Admin/Finance 1. Coordinate Functions With Command The role of command is to define...
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Increase Firefighter PPE Compliance With Accountability Tools

American Trade Mark wants to ensure that every hero gets home safely, which is why we sell top-tier personal protective equipment and accountability tools to fire stations all over the country. However, safety gear is only helpful if your crews are actually using it correctly, so here are some suggestions regarding how to increase compliance. The Importance Of PPE Personal protective equipment (PPE) is important because it helps protect firefighters from injury and death when responding to an emergency. PPE includes...
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Why Is Firefighter Accountability So Important?

At American Trade Mark we know firefighters encounter dangerous conditions on a consistent basis, making accountability extremely important. As many fire departments lack a strong personnel accountability system, many teams do not realize their comrades or their crew members are missing. This has led to needless deaths in the line of duty. However, with a properly, implemented system and related equipment, firefighters can significantly improve their survivability and reduce unnecessary deaths. Why Is Firefighter Accountability Important? A commitment to firefighter accountability means that division officers always know...
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5 Firefighter Retirement Gift Ideas

When it's time for a firefighter to retire, how do you say thank you for a lifetime of service in a way that will last and be remembered for years to come? Whether it's a chief or a team member, we understand that you want your symbol of appreciation to honor selflessness, bravery, and dedication. It may sound like a tall order, but we've put together 5 firefighter retirement gift ideas to celebrate and award your exceptional first responder in...
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Know The Principles Of Emergency Management

Learning key emergency management principles and implementing them within your current incident command systems can help you respond more effectively to hazards. But where can your fire department, medical response crews, or law enforcement team start? According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), "emergency management provides a structure for anticipating and dealing with emergency incidents." They outline 5 main principles for implementing this structure. Prevention Protection Response Recovery Mitigation Prevention — Deterrence & Counter Measures The prevention portion of your emergency management plan...
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7 Tips For Officer Safety During Hostage Situations

Desperate criminals and lives on the line—no one wants to be on the front lines of a hostage situation. Every emergency scene will be a unique and potentially dangerous situation for both prison staff and any first responders involved. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to ensure the best possible outcome. Here at American Trade Mark, in Waldwick, NJ, we've put together 7 tips to help you with crisis management during a hostage situation. Train with hostage situations...
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First Responder Awards

First responders go all out for their communities daily, without any thought of recognition, but at American Trademark we know they deserve awards and recognition. Your community's first responders include: Fire Department Law Enforcement EMS—EMT and Paramedic 911 Dispatchers 911 What’s Your Emergency? Custom Plaques For Dispatchers  When your call for help goes out, 911 dispatchers become the crucial links in matching your emergency with the appropriate first responders. Even though there is often an integrated response to the incident by Police,...
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Mobile Incident Command For Better EMS

American Trade Mark provides mobile incident command systems to emergency responders nationwide. For EMS teams who manage responses to a variety of situations, our dry erase command boards and Case Commander systems keep you organized on the go. Take Advantage Of Advance Preparation Stay Flexible & Mobile Easy Information Tracking & Visualization More Effective Coordination Customizable Products To Fit Your Team Advance Preparation For Emergencies A mobile incident command system (ICS) can collect information about the scene, your resources, and your...
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ICS For Search & Rescue Teams

Locate victims while keeping your first responders as safe as possible with ICS for search and rescue teams. Whether you're dealing with a fire, building collapse, construction accident, urban, rural, or wilderness situation, there are steps you can take to manage and coordinate your rescue squads. Our heavy-duty, user-friendly incident command and accountability systems can help. After all, efficient, effective, economical incident command starts with the right training and the right tools. Can organize and handle single or multi-agency response...
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